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Behind the Gate #3: Kenn Kibby

June 25, 2021 2 min read

For Volume #3 we chose to focus on Kenn Kibby and his moto mission. Kenn comes from an inner city background and vividly remembers what it was like to want a dirtbike without the means to obtain one. Fast forward some time and now Kenn runs Motocross Ministry. Its sole purpose is to bring moto to kids that would not normally experience it. Through these events, kids learn the fundamentals of not only moto but also faith. Below is a little bit about the ministry itself, but if you ever see the 174B bike out at the track stop by and hear Kenn's story!
From the Ministry:
Motocross Ministry Is chartered in California, with a not-for-profit 501(c) (3) status, that exists for the purpose of developing programs that use sports to reiterate responsibility, care, and support for youth from inner city, and those in the foster care system. Ryan and Kenn has teamed up to develop programs with a specific call-to-action plan of accountability in the sports community, through sports teams and businesses.
The MM Race Academy creates an environment where not only the children see the benefits of our programs, but the entire community can come together to form a lifestyle change.
We provide youth racers with the opportunity to learn from the best, and is designed to develop rider safety, along with mentoring in a positive environment. We believe in the principle of exposure; that is a person’s contact with various situations, role models, and experiences that greatly influence their decisions and outcome of their life.
Check them out online!
Instagram: @motocrossministry
 Click here for a link to an article from 110 magazine about the ministry

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